Made by AutentiCoach Partners

Marc DUFRAISSE - AutentiCoach

Finding your own personal way is possible, we accompany you on the path to your Authenticity.

Monday, 18 May 2015

From Feedback to Feedforward

Companies recruit their staff for their skills and potential.
And manage them from their shortcomings and weaknesses ...

Managers struggle to see anything but what is missing in their collaborators, what has failed, what has not worked, where they have not performed.
Their relationship often becomes one of suspicion, doubt, distrust, tension...

Modern leaders need to focus in their relationships on the potential of their team and collaborators ... Instead of getting stuck in their weaknesses, they should see them to their full potential and capabilities.

Instead of talking to their weak, fragile version, they must relate to the more powerful, more capable, more creative, more complete version of themselves.

From Feedback to Feedforward.
The most effective to develop your team.
And avoid confining them to their disabilities.

Can you give a Feedforward?