Made by AutentiCoach Partners

Marc DUFRAISSE - AutentiCoach

Finding your own personal way is possible, we accompany you on the path to your Authenticity.

Monday, 20 April 2020

Accessing the Wisdom of Life

As individuals we create our own understanding of the world, our own reasoning. Since we were born we have shaped our perception of reality, our understanding of what surrounds us. Our minds have given meaning to what happens to us, to what we see and feel.

This is how our beliefs, our realities, our certainties are forged.

We do not see the world as it is,
we see the world as we are

Until the day we stumble, fall, fail.
Our reality no longer provides us with answers, our logic no longer works... We can feel confused, disoriented, lost...

Then we have to question ourselves, to adapt to these new realities that we discover. ... maybe to open up to new areas that we didn't even know existed.

Life ends up pushing you to the limits of your understanding, disorienting you.

It leads you to fail, to doubt, to let go, to fall... and to get up again.

These moments of doubt, of confusion, are challenging. They paralyze you up to the moment they open you up to new knowledge, new areas, new challenges...

In order to know you better.
To make you better.
More authentic.
To be more coherent, more focused, more productive.

To take the right path, to be the leader of your life.

Do you take advantage of these moments of doubt and confusion to grow?