Made by AutentiCoach Partners

Marc DUFRAISSE - AutentiCoach

Finding your own personal way is possible, we accompany you on the path to your Authenticity.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

The body never lies. A disease is a promise of possible happiness.

We human beings have a tendency to lose ourselves in our thoughts, in being in the past, thoughtful, nostalgic, or emotional. Or be in the future, impatient, excited, worried, anxious...

On few moments we are in the here and now. We have lost this ability we had as a child to enjoy the moment a hundred per cent.

The only part of us that is always in the here and now is our body. The body never gets lost in the past or the future. It is here in the moment. It is the moment. The only reality.

The body is what will send us signals on how we are in our lives or with ourselves. It will tell us if we are pushing too hard, if we are not being careful enough, if we are lying to ourselves or getting lost.
It can give light, smooth signals. And it can send strong violent ones.

A disease is a message. It is a warning message to wake up, to make us aware of something. A disease is a promise of happiness.

The problem is to understand what it is saying to us, about us.
And it is not easy because we have been telling ourselves stories for so long … Stories about our life that come from the understanding of our rational and emotional minds, from our interpretation of reality.
Not with the perspective of our body. That perspective may be quite different and surprising.

The reality, the only reality is that of our body.
Our path is to understand it. The path to authenticity.

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