Made by AutentiCoach Partners

Marc DUFRAISSE - AutentiCoach

Finding your own personal way is possible, we accompany you on the path to your Authenticity.

Monday 19 March 2012

Is there a consensual harmony in your business? or are there conflicts?

Is there a consensus based harmony? 
Or are there conflicts driven by commitment or passion?
Which do you prefer?

Nobody likes conflicts.

Many times we tend to remain in a status quo before putting controversial issues on the table.
Do they accept conflict in your steering committee?
Are open and thorough debates possible? Do they really take place?

Conflicts are difficult experiences for anyone and yet, in today's business world, they may well be vital.
I'm not talking about political conflict or conflict of egos or personalities ...
I'm talking about conflicts driven by the commitment for excellence, for results, for the company, for the team ...
The conflict that may pave the way for breakthrough, innovative and really competitive ideas or solutions!

In your company
What is still left to discuss, to decide?
What issues have not been spoken?
What issues are not addressed not to break the "harmony"?

Implement the conditions of trust, team spirit and commitment to transform conflicts into benefits!

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