What do you want to control?
With the fear of uncertainty we tend to create routines and automatic behaviours, as if we could stop time, avoid changes, control events...
We put a lot of effort in staying inside our comfort zones, in our well controlled, well established and well organized lives. Being organized reassures us, gives us the illusion that we can control our lives, our destiny ... That we can avoid suffering, avoid being thoughtful, bored, sad...
Through this desire to control we create our own limitations. We look at the present and at the future with the eyes of the past. We do not perceive all our possibilities, the numerous capabilities we have. We prefer not to see all the potential we have in us...
Unveiling this potential, daring to do something with it, trying new things, innovating ... that would take us away from our imperious need to control...
When you create something new, when you step out of your comfort zone, the unknown pops in and appear the possibilities of making mistakes, of taking risks, of failing...
So you tend to go back to your routine, to structuring and organizing your days, your activities, your life ... And this incredible potential you have just remains inside you... unveiled, unexpressed, unused...
What are you trying to control?
In what are you limiting yourself?
What could you do today that may be different?
What could you dare to try?
Take some time for yourself, time to do something that may perhaps be less productive, more pleasant, more different or extreme... but do something YOU want to do!
Connect with what you have in you.
Let it speak.
Give it time. Freedom. Try it.
Do it. Now!
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