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Marc DUFRAISSE - AutentiCoach

Finding your own personal way is possible, we accompany you on the path to your Authenticity.

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Career Management: A matter of attitude

The labour market is more demanding than ever.
What is required is constantly increasing.
A Master is often a requirement to access qualified jobs.

The race for diplomas is incessant and exaggerated.
Exaggerated because what really matters for a professional actively looking are not qualifications or knowledge ...
What is important are capabilities and attitude ... Capabilities to adapt, learn, communicate, work ...
Attitude of curiosity, interest, maturity, commitment, initiative, leadership ...  ...
Studies may help achieve these qualities ... or on the contrary, turn you away from them.
The education system is mostly based on getting into a mould, on complying with criteria, on controlling knowledge, developing skills ...
It does not help being yourself, different, active, original. It does not teach you attitude.
Study, but do not expect a diploma to give you the work you dream of.
This work you will get with your attitude, your initiative and your energy.
How is your attitude?

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Are you addicted to information?

Of what information are you depending?
What information are you addicted to?

Of what data are you a prisoner?

Information is omnipresent and overly abundant.
Information is today’s prison. Today’s addiction.
Are you an addict on information?

We are drowning in an overload of information, of data, of contradictory opinions.
We are like headless chicken taken in a permanent tsunami of news, headlines, ads, mails, videos, spam….

We get lost in this profusion of useless turmoil, of unstoppable background noise…

How are you feeling in the middle of it?
Is there any relevant message you get out of all this?

The info out there is not as indispensable as you've come to believe…
It may even be unhealthy for you, invading, excessive...

Turn off everything.
Turn off your head. Break your routine.

Take time for yourself…Discover boredom...

Email me at for more information on these questions... or to inquire how coaching can help you address your challenges