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Marc DUFRAISSE - AutentiCoach

Finding your own personal way is possible, we accompany you on the path to your Authenticity.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

How is your inside critic doing?

Is he being hard on you lately?

From very young we are told what to do, how to think, how to live, behave, work...

As adults, what has consistently been repeated to us for years becomes part of who we are, of our mental model, of our beliefs. These rules and attitudes are so ingrained in us we don't realize they are there, inside us. They are unconscious!

As soon  as we turn away from them, they wake up and beat us up.

Because these beliefs, these rules that have installed in us, have adapted and are ready to intervene whenever we fail to comply: they are our inner critic, our personal police, our internal terrorist, whatever the name you’d give to these voices inside our head...

Our internal policeman is the one challenging us to be perfect, telling us it’s never good enough, that we haven’t been to good and we need to commit or focus more ...

He’s the one repeating how lazy you are!, What are you waiting for to get up and get moving?...

He’s going to make us doubt, telling us we are not worth it, we will not make it, it’s not even worth a try ...

He’ll give us the fear of the unknown, of changes,  he'll will tell us not to take risks, to keep up with what you have, ...who knows where this might take you? what if it goes wrong?... what will happen? are you insane? ...

He’ll make us deny our most desired dreams, our deepest ambitions, keeping us apart from our goals with fear of mistake, of failure, of shame ...

He’s always telling us what you do and what to avoid doing!
He's preventing us from living in the moment, from just enjoying life.

Take a moment, relax and think about your life ...
Is your coherent with who you are? With what you want? Do you like it?
What more do you want and would you like to take away?

Who rules your life? Is he the one ruling your life?
Kill your interior policeman! Send your inside terrorist on holidays!
He wants to take care of you, which is OK, but he shouldn't control your life!
So keep him at a distance ... keep an eye on him!

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