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Marc DUFRAISSE - AutentiCoach

Finding your own personal way is possible, we accompany you on the path to your Authenticity.

Monday, 26 November 2012

Can you ask for help?

Leaders also ask for help
"I can manage by myself. I've always done so... I'm not going to change at my age ..."

The culture in Latin countries has taught people that mature adults must be able to lead, drive and be in control of their life themselves.

Needing help or support is like showing weakness, disability, vulnerability. It's like being incomplete, immature, unprofessional, not serious, not credible ... or senile.

Do you want more in your life?
Could you ask for help?

Change is challenging.
Changing is a struggle because it requires 
unlearning, letting go, being open, flowing and learning again.
Change is life ...

Asking for help to get what you want is to be confident in yourself, in the other, in life.

Asking for help is not believing in the routine, not falling into the trap of fear, of stillness, scarcity, rigidity.
It's trusting yourself, your abilities. It's believing in abundance. It's wanting to move, to be agile, flexible and complete.

Open the door to the unknown, to doubt, to all possibilities.
It may be the price to pay to get the changes you really want to achieve in your life ...

  Would you be able to ask for help to initiate change? 

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