Made by AutentiCoach Partners

Marc DUFRAISSE - AutentiCoach

Finding your own personal way is possible, we accompany you on the path to your Authenticity.

Monday 1 July 2013

Management, Customer Service and Sales

All customer-related activities are strategic.
Caring for the customer, maintaining trusting and lasting relationships and developing sales are very demanding activities for employees.
They have more to do with the way they feel, they are and behave than with their knowledge or expertise.
The quality of service and business efficiency of a company require collaborators to be present, motivated and committed day after day.
This directly depends on the styles and types of management that are being performed by middle managers and executives.
When managers relate in cold, indifferent ways, when they demonstrate neither interest nor attention to the team, when they only see employees as resources ... What impact could you expect?...
Customers end up being treated in the same resources ...

If managers rely on the team, let them take initiatives, listen to and empower the people, they will naturally be more present and available with customers, listen to them, at their service, selling more and better, creating connection and retention...
Look for excellence in your relationships with teams, and customers may have memorable experiences with the company.

Do you spend this valuable time with your team?
Do you maintain quality relationships with them?

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