Made by AutentiCoach Partners

Marc DUFRAISSE - AutentiCoach

Finding your own personal way is possible, we accompany you on the path to your Authenticity.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Does it make sense?

Does what you are doing make sense ?
Does what you are experiencing make sense ?
What sense are you giving to what you are living?
Do not forget your values. Your story.
Do not forget yourself.
Take a path that is consistent with what you want, with what you want to bring, with how you wish to contribute to this world.
What gives you energy? What puts you in motion?
Are they present in your life today?
Is your daily life encouraging and inspiring ?
What sense do you give to your life?
Email me at for more information on these questions... or to inquire how coaching can help you address your challenges

Monday 17 November 2014

Are you worth it?

Do you get what you deserve?
What do you deserve?
You complain of not being recognized, appreciated, rewarded?
Do you adopt a position of inferiority, weakness, victim through which you demand what is due to you ...
Do you have a strong, enterprising, persevering posture, through which you do not give up and you keep acting with initiative and creativity?
You deserve the attention, respect, attention, support from others...
You deserve their recognition, affection, friendship, love...
If you want or claim more, make the right choice ... Adopt now a committed, persistent, resilient attitude to get it ... and always act with respect, humility, honesty ...
Do you get what you deserve?
How is your attitude?

Email me at info@autenticoach.comfor more information on these questions... or to inquire how coaching can help you address your challenges

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Career Management: A matter of attitude

The labour market is more demanding than ever.
What is required is constantly increasing.
A Master is often a requirement to access qualified jobs.

The race for diplomas is incessant and exaggerated.
Exaggerated because what really matters for a professional actively looking are not qualifications or knowledge ...
What is important are capabilities and attitude ... Capabilities to adapt, learn, communicate, work ...
Attitude of curiosity, interest, maturity, commitment, initiative, leadership ...  ...
Studies may help achieve these qualities ... or on the contrary, turn you away from them.
The education system is mostly based on getting into a mould, on complying with criteria, on controlling knowledge, developing skills ...
It does not help being yourself, different, active, original. It does not teach you attitude.
Study, but do not expect a diploma to give you the work you dream of.
This work you will get with your attitude, your initiative and your energy.
How is your attitude?

Sunday 12 October 2014

Are you addicted to information?

Of what information are you depending?
What information are you addicted to?

Of what data are you a prisoner?

Information is omnipresent and overly abundant.
Information is today’s prison. Today’s addiction.
Are you an addict on information?

We are drowning in an overload of information, of data, of contradictory opinions.
We are like headless chicken taken in a permanent tsunami of news, headlines, ads, mails, videos, spam….

We get lost in this profusion of useless turmoil, of unstoppable background noise…

How are you feeling in the middle of it?
Is there any relevant message you get out of all this?

The info out there is not as indispensable as you've come to believe…
It may even be unhealthy for you, invading, excessive...

Turn off everything.
Turn off your head. Break your routine.

Take time for yourself…Discover boredom...

Email me at for more information on these questions... or to inquire how coaching can help you address your challenges

Thursday 25 September 2014

Demanding and Forgiving

In most companies the challenges are so high in terms of competitiveness and profitability that they affect the levels of confidence and efficiency of collaborators.

It is when companies need the most to be able to fight or innovate that the context encourages collaborators to be cautious and conservative in their attitudes.

All companies have systems that deal with objectives, duty, commitment ... and punishment ... In trying to organize and systematize procedures, they kill diversity and individuality, they muzzle initiative and innovation.

A powerful management value can balance the situation: the ability to forgive.

Forgiveness is not that present in companies because success is an obligation, a requirement. Success is not negotiable. Accepting forgiveness would open the door to error, to failure. Unacceptable!

The ability to forgive is the foundation of trust.
Forgiving mistakes or failures gives the opportunity to learn in order to improve, to miss in order to succeed.

The best professionals are not those who never make mistakes. They are those who fail and learn their lessons.

Do you give your team a chance?
Do you create an environment of trust that allows novelty, difference?
Can you forgive?

Email me at for more information on these questions... or to inquire how coaching can help you address your challenges

Tuesday 9 September 2014

How do you treat yourself?

Are you managing your energy, your schedule, your desires, your goals in a flexible and reasonable way, always looking for your wellness and balance?
Do you strive to get what you decided to get, do you put pressure on yourself to move, study, work, finish your tasks and get the results that you decided?

How do you perceive your life?

Is it a subtle balance of work, performance, and good times to have fun and enjoy?
Is it like a long distance race where there is little time and much to do?

Are you self-demanding?
How do you perceive yourself?
How do you judge yourself?
Can you forgive yourself?

How do you manage your balance?
Do you take care of yourself?

Email me at for more information on these questions... or to inquire how coaching can help you address your challenges

Monday 18 August 2014

Leadership and Selflessness

True self-interest teaches selflessness.

Heaven and earth endure because they are not simply selfish but exist in behalf of all creation.

The wise leader, knowing this, keeps egocentricity in check and by doing so becomes even
more effective.

Enlightened leadership is service, not selfishness. 

The leader grows more and lasts longer by placing the well-being of all above the well-being of self alone.

By being selfless, the leader enhances self.

The Tao of Leadership
Lao Tsu / John Heider

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Addicted to winning

We are addicted to winning.

When something is resisting, when we make mistakes or fail, we are filled with sadness, discouragement, anger ... We lose our self confidence, our self-esteem. We suffer from it...

What is winning? It is about nourishing our competitiveness, our ego, it is about competing ... If we win, others lose ... others who are not as "good" as we are....
What is success? It feeds our ego. It enhances this illusion of being a star, a superhero, a superman or superwoman ...

Winning and success are the illusion of having arrived, of having achieved it... And now what? Has the time stopped? That's it, I succeeded... Are you sure? What have you achieved? Does it make sense?

For me, our frustration, our endless sabotage comes from these ideas, these expectations ... winning, success ... We tend to desperately hold on to these goals, these clichés, these chimeras without connecting with what we really want deep inside... we are fooling ourselves in owning, having ... rather than being...

Far from the stereotypes, deep inside yourself ... what is / what would it be for you to win? ... What would success look like? ...

And what if happiness was not in neither ... not in winning nor in succeeding ...
If you were to let go, to let go of these chimeras, of these overwhelming ideas and focus on your true expectations, on what is really important for you ... Perhaps that would be look more like success ... don't you think?

What is important to you? What is success for you?

Email me at for more information on these questions... or to inquire how coaching can help you address your challenges

Thursday 26 June 2014

What is your team’s mindset ?

The relationship between employees and management is a key factor in the ability to motivate, mobilize and provide performance and commitment to the company.

What are the employees’ expectations ?
What was promised to them?
On what basis was the collaboration with business established? ...and does it still exist today?

In an effort to motivate their team and meet their demands, managers tend to make commitments or suggest opportunities that are unrealistic.

As circumstances do not always allow to fulfill these commitments, the collaborator can develop a sense of not being listened to, not being appropriately valued or recognised .... especially if a clear and honest conversation is not held to address these unrealized opportunities .

Managers often live in the short term, in search for solutions to today's challenges ... they forget the possible “debt” created in their relationship with the employee ... and this conversation rarely occurs ...

Then the relationships between the collaborators and their management become distant... The collaborators may feel their management is being dishonest and manipulative when the truth is they just lack the rigor, the attention and the courage to address these important issues.

One enters a company for its image and brand.
And resigns because of its managers or executives..

How do you manage your collaborators’ expectations?
Are you listening to them?
What is your relationship with them?

Email me at for more information on these questions... or to inquire how coaching can help you address your challenges

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Abundance or Scarcity?

Are you living in abundance or in scarcity?
What fills your life? 
What do you feel is missing?

The way we live our life depends on how we perceive it.
Are we happy with what we have? Or do we want more?

How do you live? Do you enjoy the moment? Or are you always expecting something, a vacation, an entry of money, a new car, something to happen...?

The perceptions of abundance or scarcity are first created in our minds. They are not related to the money we have or what we possess ...

Being envious of your neighbour who has more or terrified to lose what you have will never bring you serenity or happiness.
Happiness is about being satisfied and grateful for what you have.
It is about living according to your principles and values​​, about deciding where you want to go, fighting for what you want and put aside what we do not want...

Scarcity is about being competitive, directive and unsatisfied. It's being perfectionist and demanding.
Abundance is being generous and trusting with oneself, with others, with life.

I do not believe in sacrifice, in pressure, in forcing for things to happen.
I believe in generosity and trust, in the team, in surpassing oneself and persevering to achieve results.

Where are you? Are you living closer to abundance or to scarcity?

Email me at for more information on these questions... or to inquire how coaching can help you address your challenges

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Who are you being right now?

What makes your moods , what does occupy your thoughts, what worries your nights ?

Who are you being in your job, your company , in your professional relationships?
Before uttering a single word , what does emanate from you, from your person, your posture, your gestures ?

We are who we a safe, undeniable, concrete, powerful way...
But who are you being right now...who are you being while reading these words?

What are your beliefs? Your certainties ?
What are your questions? Your challenges?

What you are focusing on...concentrating on ?
What have you abandoned...what have you left out?

How are you communicating? Who are you to your environment ?

Do you feel free and present ?
Or do you feel pressured and prisoner?

Become aware of where you are and where you want to be.
If you like what you see , you are on the right path...
If you do not like what you see, identify what is missing and fight for it ...

Are you at the service of who you want to be tomorrow ?

Email me at for more information on these questions... or to inquire how coaching can help you address your challenges

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Want to change others?

When we are young, we think that everything is possible, you can change the world, you can change others.
We put a lot of energy into it. We develop many strategies for this. We strive and make it one of our important battles.

Until we realize that no, it is not worth it. Not possible. You cannot change others. It is presumptuous and arrogant to think we can...

While we do not understand this, we lose our time trying to change others, we have a bad time not accepting what there is... We focus on aspects that do not depend on us .... We feel frustrated, discontent, dissatisfied , sad ... We struggle ...We feel nor satisfied nor free ...

The day we know we are the ones who have to change, that we have to drop these ridiculous demands, this misplaced perfectionism ... then we begin to accept what surrounds us, as it is .... and to accept others as they are ...
Then we can create change ... not to others ... but in ourselves, in our way of being, of relating to the world. We change the way we act and interact, that way that was perhaps our real source of frustration in the past...

We change our role and the world changes ... The others change ....
They are the same people but we no longer offer them the same selves, the same games, the same interactions, the same scenarios ... We do not act the same, we are not the same ...

We create new contexts that do not allow what he had before. They create something different.

We made it. We changed the world. We have changed our position, we have changed and doing so we have changed the others.


Have you experienced such a change?
Everything has changed for you too?


What do you think?

Email me at for more information on these questions... or to inquire how coaching can help you address your challenges

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Conflict and Negotiation: Are you part of the problem?

Effective negotiations occur when both parties are able to look at the problem from all possible angles to be open, flexible and creative when building a

Sometimes the problem is so important, what is at stake is so great that without noticing it people slowly become part of the problem.

When you are the problem, how you want to step back, not get caught , vary perspectives to propose options .... No way!

You are stuck on the issue ... you feel bad ... you take it personally ... you do not flow .

What is the problem? What do you want? What are you looking for?
Are you willing to be flexible , to listen, interact , build a solution with the other?
Or are you tense , rigid , pissed off, overwhelmed, angry...
Are you able to look at the issue with all its components,  all its potential benefits , all its possible limitations?

Put aside the labels, the prejudices.
Work on your flexibility, on your curiosity with the other.
Open yourself , go beyond appearances , be curious, listen ...
Free yourself , be creative, agile.
To do so do not block yourself emotionally.
Manage yourself, lead yourself, lead the negotiation , drive the conversation , manage the relationship with intuition and expertise .... The results depend on it.

Are you part of the problem or are you ready to co - construct a solution?

Thursday 3 April 2014

Do you want Human Resources or resourceful Humans?

Who is accountable for delivering results?
Is it the owner, the CEO, the Board, the middle managers, the employees ...?

How to influence without overwhelming, to lead without pressing, to direct without controlling?

The influence and efficiency of managers go beyond their ability to articulate and communicate what they want .... They are in their ability to be open to the others, leave them space, collaborate with them .... So they understand, express, digest what's going on... so they commit and define how they will respond with their own resources ....

At any moment managers can fall into the trap of imposing, of forcing, of pushing.
A tactic that works in the short term ... especially if the company is used to managing by fear ...
But a short-term tactic that will not trigger the people’s and teams’ essential resources ...
It will not mobilize these abilities enhanced by true commitment and passion… Abilities like creativity, flexibility, agility, transversality, transparency... Skills that respond to new situations, new challenges, new competition...

We don’t need Human Resources .. but humans with resources, people who are leaders in their personal and professional lives ... doers in the business ... business entrepreneurs.

What do you want in your team? Human Resources or resourceful Humans?

How do you manage teams?

Sunday 23 March 2014

Leadership is Doing less and Being more

Run an honest, open group.

Your job is to facilitate and illuminate what is happening. Interfere as little as possible. Interference, however brilliant, creates a dependency on the leader.

The fewer rules the better. Rules reduce freedom and responsibility. Enforcement of rules is coercive and manipulative, which diminishes spontaneity and absorbs group energy.

The more coercive you are, the more resistant the group will become. Your manipulations will only breed evasions. Every law creates an outlaw. There is no way to run a group.

The wise leader establishes a clear and wholesome climate in the group room. In the light of awareness, the group naturally acts in a wholesome manner.

When the leader practices silence, the group remains focused. When the leader does not impose rules, the group discovers its own goodness. When the leader acts unselfishly, the group simply does what is to be done.

Good leadership consists of doing less and being more.

The Tao of Leadership - Lao Tzu

Wednesday 12 March 2014

The Three Key Levels of Change Management

Change is always present in our lives.

Every day is new, fresh, uncertain, infinite in its possibilities.

In business, change is complicated to manage. While each day has its problems and challenges, the relationships, teams, people and processes tend to become rigid, inflexible.

Organizations tend to focus on certain aspects of the business, on certain subjects or perspectives. It make them shortsighted, prevents them from seeing everything there is in the environment ...

The limited perception of reality and the daily routines do not always generate the awareness and sense of urgency necessary for change to happen...

Leading change is the ability to focus and be committed on the company's vision and business in a global cross-functional way.
It is the ability to ask questions, takes decisions, communicate, implement, review and adjust with agility and perseverance.

Change happens at Three Levels

- The Individual level, the person, posture, perceptions, roles
- The Relationships level, the dynamics, fluidity and openness in one to one relations
- The Teams level, the relational systems, organization, culture, the formal and informal roles and responsibilities.

Change needs the commitment of every person and of the organization.

It feels uncomfortable, uncertain, insecure.
But when the uncertainty and insecurity that are generated are shared in an environment of support, trust, commitment and initiative, Change can only be a success for the company.

How do you handle change in your company?

For more information

Wednesday 26 February 2014

How to give an open, honest and productive feedback ?

Authoritarian management styles reduce the teams' levels of motivation and flexibility.

When a management team rigidly gives orders, the ability of the organization to adapt and provide an exclusive level of service becomes more limited.

For that reason, developing emotional intelligence , connecting and building rapport with collaborators and teams enhance optimism, confidence, empowerment, motivation.

A more connected management style nevertheless entails certain risks. The proximity, the affective and emotional connection with the teams can create an unwanted and unproductive consequence: the inability to give feedback openly, clearly and efficiently.
 As if the manager, when developing a more intimate and harmonious relationship with collaborators, would start fearing this confrontation and would feel uncomfortable to challenge them on their results or development.

 The connection , syntony, proximity of managers with their teams need to be genuine, honest . It is the only way for them not to be manipulative.

 This connection should enable managers to dare to share their expectations , opinions , feedbacks , testimonials openly... honestly but flexibly ...

 For managers, the challenge lies in always being aware of who they are as individuals, in giving feedback with humility and detachment, so as to share and build solutions from listening, sharing, exchanging, negotiating ...

 Build rapport, not paralysis.

 Are you capable of honesty and openness in your feedbacks ?

Thursday 13 February 2014

Is it time for change?

It is difficult to know when it's time to change ... Time to change strategies, tactics, attitude, posture.

It takes some time to realize that this is not working, we're not on the proper path, on the appropriate way ...

When we are accustomed to responding to challenges in a certain way, it is difficult to stop and convince yourself that it is not appropriate.

Many beliefs pollute the business world.
Personal, collective beliefs, based on past experiences, on routines, built from appearances ...

When something is not working with the desired results, do not obstinately give more of the same …
Maybe it's time to stop, to step back. change perspective, change strategy ...

Maybe you have to stop forcing destiny. sacrificing with antiquated tactics, with activities from the past .

Maybe you need to let go, to let the pressure down, to give yourself a chance to see the situation from a different perspective, from another angle ...

Time for less of the same, for something different ...

Where do you think you should stop forcing, stop putting force or pressure?
What other perspective would you like to try?

What will you let go? Where will you innovate?