Made by AutentiCoach Partners

Marc DUFRAISSE - AutentiCoach

Finding your own personal way is possible, we accompany you on the path to your Authenticity.

Thursday, 26 June 2014

What is your team’s mindset ?

The relationship between employees and management is a key factor in the ability to motivate, mobilize and provide performance and commitment to the company.

What are the employees’ expectations ?
What was promised to them?
On what basis was the collaboration with business established? ...and does it still exist today?

In an effort to motivate their team and meet their demands, managers tend to make commitments or suggest opportunities that are unrealistic.

As circumstances do not always allow to fulfill these commitments, the collaborator can develop a sense of not being listened to, not being appropriately valued or recognised .... especially if a clear and honest conversation is not held to address these unrealized opportunities .

Managers often live in the short term, in search for solutions to today's challenges ... they forget the possible “debt” created in their relationship with the employee ... and this conversation rarely occurs ...

Then the relationships between the collaborators and their management become distant... The collaborators may feel their management is being dishonest and manipulative when the truth is they just lack the rigor, the attention and the courage to address these important issues.

One enters a company for its image and brand.
And resigns because of its managers or executives..

How do you manage your collaborators’ expectations?
Are you listening to them?
What is your relationship with them?

Email me at for more information on these questions... or to inquire how coaching can help you address your challenges

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